Wash After Every Use- You might think you didn't sweat in your karate uniform very much during that cold, winter training session, but you did, and you need to wash the thing to get the bacteria you left behind out of the cotton to prevent it from smelling and rotting. Wash the uniform after each time you wear it and sweat in it. You should never wear your Karate uniform to training sessions two times in a row without washing it.

Wash it quickly - Do not allow your karate gi to stand before being washed. . If you allow it to stand over night, it will smell in a way that few detergents can remedy. Allowing sweat and dirt to dry on the cloth overnight almost guarantees that it will not come very clean when you finally do wash it.

Do Not Use Mechanical Dryers - Your karate uniform must dry on the line. That means that if you train every day, you will wash and dry a gi every day. In humid environments, your karate gi may require two days to line dry. You'll need to purchase two or three karate uniforms in that case, because you cannot wear it repeatedly without washing it.

Bleach Infrequently - Using chlorine bleach on your cotton uniform will get it clean, but bleach is a strong base, so it will damage the material, causing the stitching to come apart. However, when your karate gi needs bleach, then put some into the wash with it. Some recommend boiling as an alternative to using bleach in order to get a Karate uniform completely clean. Boil a huge pot of water, preferably outdoors, and then dump your gi in the boiling water for 10-15 minutes and let it simmer.

Pre-soak Your Karate Gi - Don't throw your gi into the washing machine, pour detergent on it, and then start the washer. Follow correct laundry procedures. Start the washer so that it begins to fill with water. Put detergent in immediately, and allow the detergent to dissolve into the water. After the washing machine has nearly completed filling with water, add your karate gi.Turn off the washing machine and allow your karate gi to soak in the soapy water for at least 20 minutes. Then start the washer again and allow it to begin its wash cycle.

Hang Dry Immediately - When the wash cycle is complete, hang your karate gi to dry right away.

Fold Properly When Dry - When your gi is completely dry, not still moist, but totally dry, you may fold it.